
IREM Blogs

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4 posts Filter
  • Oct 25, 2023
  • IREM

Beyond borders – IREM holds first Global Summit outside the United States

This year’s Global Summit took place in the vibrant city of Toronto, Canada, marking an exciting milestone in IREM's 90-year history. The theme of this year's conference was "Making an Impact," emphasizing the pivotal role property managers play in shaping the real estate industry and the communities they serve.

  • Oct 23, 2023
  • IREM

Celebrating diversity in real estate management during Global Diversity Awareness Month

In the month of October, we celebrate Global Diversity Awareness, which recognizes and celebrates the diverse cultures, thoughts, experiences, and perspectives of our global society. Although its origin is difficult to trace, the acknowledgement and celebration has raised significant awareness and helps promote cultural diversity in a rapidly changing and more connected world. Its evolution reflects a broader societal shift towards recognizing and celebrating diversity as a fundamental value.

  • Oct 23, 2023
  • IREM

IREM REME Award winners shine in 2023

The real estate management industry thrives on the dedication, innovation, and unwavering commitment of individuals and organizations that consistently raise the bar of excellence. IREM® recognizes outstanding achievements in this field through the IREM REME Awards.

The REME Awards now include special categories for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Developed by a workgroup of the 2022 Diversity Advisory Board, these awards recognize individuals and businesses for DEI initiatives that impact their company, employees, property, residents, or tenants. Promoting DEI within companies and communities across the real estate management profession can help inspire leadership, innovation and impact.

  • Oct 10, 2023
  • OMNIA Partners

Facts and myths of Group Purchasing Organizations for multifamily housing professionals 

You’ve probably heard of a group purchasing organization (GPO), but have you ever stopped to wonder what it is and what they do? Or maybe you’ve heard of a GPO, but you aren’t sure that will benefit your unique circumstances. Follow along as we break down the basics of a GPO and shed light on the misconceptions surrounding the world of group purchasing.  A group purchasing organization acts as a fairy godmother. They make purchasing wishes come true by connecting the owners and operators of different businesses, like property management companies, with suppliers that have the goods and services they need in a timely and cost-effective manner.  more

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