Cheers to your Peers

Your support matters. Raise your (virtual) glass to the 2020 IREM Foundation Awards recipients, REME Award winners, and more than a hundred other fellow professionals who are managing to make a difference through the real estate management industry. Be inspired by stories, innovation, and lifetime achievements of real estate management new comers and legends alike. In this year of social distance, now more than ever is the time to celebrate and elevate young, talented, and diverse leadership within the IREM community. Funds raised during the event will support the IREM Foundation scholarship program, IREM’s Student Scholars, as well as IREM’s Diversity & Inclusion Succession Initiative (DISI) Leaders, all of which will be featured in the program. Other groups to be recognized include IREM’s 30 under 30, Next Gen CPM Leaders in the 2020 and 2021 cohorts, Student of the Year, and the lifetime achievement of Robert K. and Gladys M. Beal.

Download the calendar file below to save the date. We look forward to seeing you on October 5!

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