Management Company Executive

    Management company executive

    The management company executive focuses more on the operation of the real estate management business enterprise and less on the management of the properties that are being managed by the company and part of its fiduciary responsibility. The management company executive’s duties and responsibilities vary widely from company to company depending upon its size, its problems and opportunities, the talents of the management team, and the executive ownership role within the company.

    Management company executive

    The company executive, typically the chief executive officer, is, above all else, an entrepreneur and the major producer of new business for the organization. It is the company executive’s job to optimize the economic results of the business operation through effective, strategic management of its opportunities and resources. Time is spent in planning for the company’s operation and growth, developing and supervising the real estate management team, establishing and enforcing company policies and procedures, developing and maintaining a technology platform and infrastructure, and executing a viable organizational structure.

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