
Billing Operating Expenses: Key Formulas and Procedures (Skills On-demand)

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$ 99.00

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Course Description

This course is the second of a three-part series. Register for Part 1 here and Part 3 here.)

This course is Part 2 of a 3-part series that defines the recovery billing process and demonstrates how to maximize recovery income, promote positive tenant relations, and avoid tenant audits. 
Part 2 focuses on the formulas and calculations necessary to accurately determine all recoverable expenses and amounts.  The benefits to tenants and owners for adjusting expenses for occupancy (grossing up expenses) are explained and the formulas needed to do the calculations are illustrated.  Cumulative and year-over-year expense caps and their application will be defined and when and how to recover capital expenses will be described.

Part 2 learning objectives:

  • Learn how to establish total recoverable expenses for each tenant
  • Acquire the skills to accurately adjust certain variable expenses for occupancy (grossing up)
  • Differentiate between the types of expense caps and their proper application
  • Define capital expenses and when and how they may be recovered

Review our course policies and procedures page for further information

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