Course Description
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(This is the first part of a two-part series. Register here for Emergency Management Part 2: Putting Your Emergency Plan into Action)
Every property manager has or will have to manage emergencies at their properties at some point in their careers. That includes fires, floods, injuries, blackouts, and even active shooter situations. Most of us know this is true and hope that when that time comes, we, our staff and our contractors will be able to effectively control the situation, do the right things in the right order, protect the residents, preserve the property, deal with the aftermath (including processing an insurance claim) and restore normal operations. Hope, however, is not a plan.
In this course, the first of a two-course series about emergency management, IREM instructor Jeff Lapin, CPM®, ARM®, DREI, covers how having a predetermined and rehearsed emergency plan for each property can reduce stress, demonstrate proper diligence, gain control of the situation, and do the right things in the proper order when all heck is breaking loose.
Part One in this series is about doing the hardest thing—getting started on your emergency plans. Jeff will walk you through a step-by-step process of thinking through what the most likely emergencies at any given property are, and then forming a logical plan, with the assistance of your team, for managing those emergencies.
Learning objectives:
- Recall the basic steps involved in creating a customized emergency plan for each property you manage
- Determine how to get started in formulating a plan that addresses the steps to be taken in the most likely emergencies at your properties
- State how to test your plans in a tabletop exercise designed to simulate the conditions that can be expected during an emergency
Review our course policies and procedures page for further information