Becoming an accomplished business professional takes more than just hard work. In fact, how you respond to ethical challenges has a big impact on your long-term personal reputation and success in business. But being ethical is not just a matter of following the law – it’s meeting the standards and expectations that govern the real estate profession. Professional ethics can make the difference between a career as an all-star and a career as an also-ran. Ethics matter. And people pay attention.
Register today and learn to tackle daily ethical dilemmas head on:
- Welcome to the Real World. Get a full overview of the IREM Code of Professional Ethics, including the study of actual ethics cases and their implications.
- Do the Right Thing. Tactics and strategies to resolve ethical dilemmas.
- Avoiding Conflict. Identifying factors that contribute to conflicts of interest so you’ll know when to avoid them.

Review the learning objectives of this course.

Classroom: The classroom course is 6 1/2 hours (8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.). Select a specific offering of the course from the dropdown menu above for exact dates and times. The course exam is taken online within 30 days after completing the course; instructions to access the exam are provided during the course.
Accelerators: Live Webinars
Accelerators: On-Demand